What Is the Best Keyword Density for SEO?

Search Engine Optimization SEO
Keywords are one of the defining features of search engine optimization (SEO). However, there is a fine line between using too many keywords and not taking advantage of their power!
Keywords are commonly-searched-for words and phrases that help boost your site’s ranking in search engine results. Keyword density is a percentage that dictates the number of times a keyword appears within a 100-word block of text.
For example, if your keyword is “Near Me SEO” and you have a keyword density of 1%, the keyword “Near Me SEO” must appear in the text once per 100 words. If your keyword is “UT” and your density is 2%, “UT” must appear in the text twice per 100 words.
If your keyword is a longer phrase or an uncommon word, incorporating the keyword into the text will feel awkward. A high keyword density has the same effect. If you kept repeating a term like “In Utah SEO” multiple times within a paragraph, a reader might sense something is “off” about your site and may stop reading. This also signals to search engines that you are “keyword stuffing,” and will penalize your site in search rankings!
There is no “best” keyword density for SEO success. Instead of focusing solely on percentages, use keywords in titles and tags, spread your keywords organically throughout the page, and vary your word choice by using synonyms and similar phrases.
At Sites by Sara, we perfect your company’s site for search engine rankings by effectively using keywords relevant to your services. We specialize in Utah SEO and SLC SEO, ensuring that your local community can always find you on the web.